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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Helpful tips for improving your writing skill

Here are some helpful tips to improve your writing skill.

1. Plan in advance. Use up enough time to think regarding your writing assignment prior to start writing. Ask questions like what is the intention of your writing? Whether it is an imaginary story, an interview for a newspaper, a tutorial or an article?

2. Know what you need to convey. Before you start writing, ensure you know what you need to communicate. Make a one sentence statement that explains the intention of your piece and write it down.

3. Recognize your spectators. Whether your readers are kids or adults? Whether English is their mother tongue, or not? Are they reading for enjoyment, or is this a scientific editorial? Both the theme you prefer and its spectators will decide your writing approach, or "voice." You can make use of slang in unofficial writing, but always use Standard English while you write official, instructional, or scientific pieces

4. Spell each word properly. If your writing contains full of spelling mistakes, sometimes your spectators will not take your work seriously. Use a good dictionary or an online dictionary if that pleas to you. You can see spell checkers, spelling dictionaries in your word processor, and useful websites. Make use of them, or ask a buddy, trainer, or associate to proofread your writing.

5. Try to use appropriate grammar. Always good grammar is essential to make your writing better and clear. If you feel your grammar is wobbly, you can refer any dictionary that appeals you and understand how it is structured so you can see the answers fast while you are writing.
6. Assess your writing. Go through your work for finding spelling and grammar mistakes, and correct it. Be certain to verify any contacts or website URLs too. Go through your editorial and be cautious about the use of pronouns. Whether the reader can understand who or what you are referring to? If not, redraft your wordings so that they can comprehend it.

7. Keep it short. Remember to keep your writing short and precise.

  • Avoid needless phrase and words. That implies altering statements for example “it would emerge that” to “actually” and “other than” to “moreover.”
  • Make use of simple sentences and passages. Long sentence and paragraphs will be intimidating and feel inaccessible to the person who reads it.
  • Using colors, bullets, or numbers you can highlights the points. Easily you can draw the attention of readers to certain details.

Improve your written communication

Writing is one of the useful ways to exchange a few words and express your feelings, thoughts and views to other people. It can be both entertaining and amusing and there are different ways to make use of writing in your daily life. Even though you are not the world’s famous writer, you also can become an excellent writer eventually. In order to become a good writer you should be devoted and try to become skilled at the skill. There are some useful methods in which you can develop your written communication and become a good writer.

· Buy some materials that can help out you to develop your writing skills. To become an excellent writer you must have certain things for instance a personal diary, dictionary, pens, notepads, pencils, encyclopedias and different books, newspapers, journals and intellectual magazine to read.

· Set up a specific time to do your writing exercises. It is very much essential to use up as much time as possible practicing your writing exercises, it will help you to become a good writer. Excellent writers all the time write something new or proofreading and modifying their recent work. So, make a decision how much time you can allot to become an excellent writer and set a plan.

· Use up time reading every day. Not only must you use up time doing your writing exercises, but you must also read resources that are instructive, motivating and enjoyable to you. Find resources that can confront your mind and provide you thoughts to write about. Moreover, reading is an excellent method to widen your vocabulary and develop your grammar

· Keep a record of topics that is helpful to you. Consider all points that you need to write and make an inventory of them. The topics can comprise anything that you find appealing, entertaining and informative.

· Begin your writing in a personal diary and utilize it each day. Make an effort to use up time writing in your magazine or dairy daily and don‘t be frightened to start out and be a bit innovative with the terms. You can prefer some topics to write for instance your ambitions, interests, leisure pursuit, a huge occasion like celebrations, festivals or related topics. Moreover you can write down regarding your thoughts, feelings, ideas or anything that comes to your mind.

· Try to practice different writing and reading books each week. Lots of workbooks and learning resources are available at shops or online, which can help out you with your writing skills.

· Try hard on your writing projects. Besides writing in your magazine, you must start working on as a minimum one assignment for instance an article, story, journal, editorial, testimony or dialogue. Go on working on your task until you have finished it.

· Evaluate your effort and make the required modification on it. To develop your writing skills, you must go through your work and make some correction where ever necessary. Proofreading is must before making any alterations. Be certain to test out for spelling mistakes together with grammar and punctuation errors.

Writing skill-How you can achieve it

Lots of people are frightened by writing. Nevertheless, there are times when writing is treated as a best means for communicate, and the single mode to get your message across.

While writing, one thing should be kept in mind that once something is wrote down, it cannot be taken back. Writing in this way is more solid than oral communications, with less scope for mistake and even less scope for faults. Here the written communications are presented with new confronts, accompanied by punctuation, grammar, spelling, even writing method and genuine wording.

Fortunately, nowadays technology compose letter, epistle, memo and application writing much easier by giving consistent tools that verify and even correct misspelled terms and wrong grammar usages.

Some of the helpful tips to help out you with your writing skill

  • Don’t use slang words in your writing
  • Avoid using abbreviations
  • Steer away from the use of signs
  • Aphorism must be avoided, otherwise use with care
  • Brackets are used to minimize words or idioms
  • Dashes are commonly used for stress
  • More care must be given to spell the people’s and company’s names properly
  • Numerals must be denoted as words if the numeral is less than ten or is used to begin a sentence for example: five years ago, I and I my brother…. The numeral is 10 or greater than 10, it must be denoted in figure, for example: I had 12 Matchbox cars.
  • Quote symbols must be placed around any directly quoted dialogue or wording and around titles of book.
  • Keep all the sentences brief and precise.
  • Try to practice writing in different ways, write letters, write e-mails to your friends. This is the best way to improve your writing skill.
  • Show your output to others and get feed back from others. Feedback will help you to improve your writing skill.
  • Become acquainted with present issues in the world and provide your own views on the issues. Visualize arguments you would apply to convince somebody about your views. Conducting speech and seminars will help you think through issues and speak those issues to others.
  • Make your writing well developed and well prepared, using accurate, specific and simple language.
  • Try to read and write often. Reading books will help you to improve your writing skill.
  • Keep in mind that each person can develop writing skills. You may think others are more brilliant, but you know more than you think. Self-confidence and talent will enhance with writing you do.

Enhance your communication skill and succeed

By improving your communication skill surely you can get succeed in your career as well as in your personal life. In this rapidly growing world, it is very much required to develop your communication skill to go ahead and flourish.

Being able to efficiently converse with others implies that you possess the ability to accept and convey information; a very significant asset taking into account that information nowadays has turned into a valued asset.

Being able to converse efficiently implies more than just being eloquent. Lots of other things are essential for successful communication. You must be familiar with them to advance your communication skill. They also depend on having a keen ear apart from having a way with the oral word. Some tips are here that can help you to enhance your communication.

Efficient communication depends on your capability to listen. Being an enthusiastic listener enables you to collect the entire information that you can acquire from a particular talk. Being an enthusiastic listener also implies that you concentrate on what is being spoken and ensure that you understand the point.

An excellent way to enhance your understanding is by learning to get occupied in the discussion. Make out how to ask queries at any time you feel you lose out on a particular point. Make an effort to use your senses throughout an enduring conversation.

For the duration of conversations, respond rather than trying to react. Responding involves the use of your mind earlier than you talk whereas reacting generally entails your feeling. Responding all the time keeps you in control as you mindfully oversee what you want to speak. Reacting, conversely, can allow a talk get out of control, which is not the purpose of efficient communication.

What you need to do to enhance your communication is regular practice. Take part in as many debates and collective communications as you can. Try to practice the listening skill also. When you move along, you can see a substantial development on them. If there is not a feasible debate to take part in, you can practice with your friends and family. Efficient communication can be used in various parts of your life, be it at job at game. For all time keep in mind that successful communication is a means of creating good relationships.

When you try hard to develop your communication skill, you will finally get success along the way.

Develop your communication skills, style and speech

Communication consists of diplomatic, diction, words, pitch and tone. You must observe how you communicate with other people. Without being diplomatic, never you can be an efficient communicator. Diplomacy implies ability in managing discussions, managing people etc.

While you try how to converse with others it decides how they will or will not react to you.

Observe and recognize your style

Communication style is more than the way you speak to other people. It comprises your body movements, your pitch and tone and your vocabulary. You can try to get better communication style, once you recognize it.

Develop your pitch and tone

Once you recognized your style, you must try hard to develop it. Pay attention at the pitch and tone that you use while talking to others. Sometimes high pitch will come in your conversation due to nervous. Work hard in lowering your pitch. Modulation of voice is very much required. Tone of your voice express your confidence level, some people can notify by means of your pitch whether you are annoyed or timid. Have a neutral pitch at the same time try not to feel tedious. As per your surroundings you must try modulating your voice, tone and pitch.

Speaking too fast will be a symbol of tension and speaking too slowly will sound tedious, so try to keep a normal speed.
Slow down : Everybody will think you are nervous and uncertain of yourself if you speak very fast. But, beware not to decelerate to the point where people start to finish your sentences just to assist you conclude.
Apply proper volume : apply a volume which is suitable for the situation. Talk more gently while you are alone. Talk louder if you are talking to huge groups or across larger spaces.
Pronounce words properly : Everyone will judge your capability through your vocabulary. If you do not know how to pronounce a word, avoid using it. Wrong pronunciation gives a bad impression about you.
Use gestures: Make uses of gestures while you speak with others as it impress other people. Use proper gesture which is suitable to the situation.


You must have good vocabulary. In general you will be judged by means of the words that you use in your communication. Never use tough words to that you do not know the meaning of. Make use of words that are comprehensible and easy to articulate or pronounce. Pronunciation is an essential part of your vocabulary. It improves your communication skills. If you are unable to pronounce a certain word or are uncertain of its pronunciation, avoid using such words.

As you live in this fast growing world it is very much essential for you to possess a good communication skill. By using the above tips, you can make your communication more attractive and effective.

Quintessence of communication skill

No matter how excellent and valuable your suggestion, it is of no value if you can not share it with other people. Therefore, successful communication is very much required. Nevertheless, the skill to communicate successfully will not come easily to all people, and it needs lots of skills that require more practice.
Whenever we speak about communication skills, the most important thing that arises in our mind is fluency. ‘Fluency’ is major basic of good communication. If fluency is major factor in oral communication, good hand-writing is very much essential in written communication.
Whenever we speak about communication skills, the most important thing that arises in our mind is fluency. ‘Fluency’ is major basic of good communication. If fluency is major factor in oral communication, good hand-writing is very much essential in written communication.

Whether we communicate orally or in words, our main intention is to express our ideas to other people. Therefore, an excellent communication skill will, certainly, imply how effortlessly we can express the ideas. This, in turn, implies that message must be explicit, comprehensible and accurate.

In order to affix impact to your oral communication, evade flat pitch. You can modulate your voice to match up with your sentences. Your oral communication must comprise low and high pitch with suitable delays among words. You must neither shout nor murmur. Other than, you must be capable of being heard. Also, your expressions and body movements must be according to your words.

If you wish to develop your communication skills then you must have deep knowledge of the language you select for communication. Moreover good grammatical knowledge is required for both verbal and written communication skill. Grammatical mistakes may sometimes be allowed in vocal communication but not all the time.

If you have the good grammatical knowledge then fluency will automatically come. At first, you will not be fluent but slowly you may obtain it. Uncertainty may be one of the reasons that block fluency. Keep on communicate with others without any doubt. Evaluate your earlier conversation for the errors you did. You can record your talk for this reason or can ask a companion to help you in this issue. Eliminate these errors and very soon you will become fluent. Pay attention to audio-video programs and converse with others in the same language.

An excellent communication skill implies an accurate and unmistakable communication that is grammatically correct and conveyed through modulated accent or in precise and readable hand-writing with your expression related your conversation. What if written communication is not hand-written? So, if written communication is typed one or by electronic means conveyed afterward also you must be careful of proper font size and font style which is legible.

Seven steps to improve your communication

Always communications skill is very much required skill that you should achieve if you really wish to advance in your career. It is very essential in keeping your personal rapport with your relatives, families, friends etc

Follow these seven helpful tips to improve your communication

Listening skill: An essential part of good communication is listening skill. Never try to make an end your conversation if you didn’t listen and understand what is being spoken. So listen well and respond properly. If you didn’t listen properly you can not replay to other person. Listening skill is the foremost thing you must possess to improve your communication.

Skip to conclusion: Never skip to sudden end immediately based on what you have listened. Listen to other person’s conversation well so you will be able to create the best opinion.

Take enough time to react: Once you have listened and comprehended what is being spoken, take sufficient time to think and then plan what you want to speak.

Never think that you are right: Sometimes you may do mistakes. But the most important thing is to admit it and listened to where you have done wrong.

Train yourself to focus: Never allow your mind roam or dream while you are speaking or listening to somebody. It will be boorish to the other people.
Accept compliments: When we all long for appreciation, most of the people feel it very difficulty to get appreciation. Occasionally their response sours the moment for the person who gave the praise also. If anyone admires you in an actual way, express thanks to them. You can admit anybody else that deserves a share of the praise but take what is owing to you without commotion or fake humility.

Express reverence for their answer: Sometimes, you will not have the same opinion with their reaction, but never drive your differing view at them. While you start talking, ask a query that will flicker a talk, not a conflict. Begin your talk as you need it to continue.

Express reverence for their answer: Sometimes, you will not have the same opinion with their reaction, but never drive your differing view at them. While you start talking, ask a query that will flicker a talk, not a conflict. Begin your talk as you need it to continue.

Always ask somebody to say again what they have just talked than trying to assume what he or she is talking. If you can not grasp what the other person is talking, it is better to ask them to say it again.

Observe yourself while you communicate with others. Watch your own expression and body language. Try to do this standing in front of the mirror and practice it.

Achieving good communication skills is an enduring learning process and will take time to build up. Through certain practices definitely you can develop your communication skill.

How to reduce communication errors

Perfect communication includes the communicative abilities of the speaker and the receiving abilities of the viewers. Often, we think more about receiving our message across that we do not dwell on what we can do to lessen the chances of communication errors. Since we can only manage our communicative skills, we should sharpen these abilities to enhance the opportunity that the listeners comprehend our message exactly.
1. Tell your listener to say again the message, particularly in telephone conversations. In telephone conversation missing signs for instance gesticulation and body movements enhance the probability of a misunderstanding.
2. Test out the perceptive of the listener. Try to stop at usual intervals in the communication and inquire if the message is useful or if they possess any further queries.
3. Sum up the most important points. While providing directions or giving a clarification, you can enhance the listener's perceptive by reiterating your main points.
4. Converse in language tailored to your spectators. You should use comprehensible language while clearing up the technical words to lay spectators.
5. Keep an eye contact with the listener. This is particularly prominent if you are conversing with somebody who lacks hearing ability. If a mediator is there, you must concentrate on the person with the disability straightforwardly.
6. Decide if somebody can talk freely on the phone. If talking about an individual issue and the listener says to you they have no queries ask him if he is unaccompanied. He may possibly wish to carry on the talk if he has seclusion.
7. Make use of perceptive language. If talking to somebody with an accent or a different form, you can accidentally offend them by inquiring them regarding their cultural background. Follow pertinent communication to acquire your message across efficiently.

8. Select the communication style which is most suitable to the situation. If you are not certain, ask some question to yourself how you want to get the communication if you were in the shoes of other person.

9. Written communication whether it is an e-mail, report, letter, presentation requires proper structure. It is very important that you use up time while preparing a written communication to think about how best to structure it. If you can not form your communication, possibilities are that it will not flow or understand as well as it could.

10. Utilize the time to plan and compose your written communications. Think the finest order of your message and the language that would work greatly.

Qualities of a successful leader

Every one wants to become a leader in life. One cannot become a leader by mere wish; he has to work on that. By following the given tips you can become a good leader either in your work place or in your personal life.

Should be determinative:

He must have the power to take decision on right time without depending upon others.

Appreciating mentality:

He must appreciate other people's achievements and also encourage them for further achievements.

Be active:

He must join with others to complete the task and support them at any time for the better performance of the organization.

Prefers direct communication:

If he wishes to tell anything to his colleagues or employees, speak directly to them instead of opting paper work.

Authentic and constant:

He must be authentic and constant in his approach, regarding any dealing with others. He should not behave indifferently.

Promote others:

The leader must promote the talented people among the staff to higher positions. He must accept their talent and promote them for their better future.

Think positively:

He must think positively for the better performances of the organization and also inculcate the positive thinking in his followers.

Be honest:

The leader must be honest in his words and deeds other wise he can not progress in his attempt. No one likes a person who is impure in his acts and thoughts. Try to be honest to become a good leader in your life as well as in your career.
Vision and motivation:

All successful leaders have the skill not just to create an idea but to convey it in a motivating manner. They will see the huge portrait and motivate others to work as one to make it happen.


Excellence is one of the important qualities that every leader should have. They have an attitude of constant progress. They seek smarter, better ways of doing things. They are regular learners.

Handle decisions:

Realism is necessary if you wish to become a successful leader. While handle decisions, the top leaders will concentrate on the particulars to decide what is realistic. Visualize you are faced with a badly performing association. You may feel it could be set next day, next week or next month, but the realism may be that it will take months and perhaps years.


The good leaders will accept responsibility to make things happen in an excellent manner. We all can make out how simple it is to blame outer things and we possibly all have done this at some time. If you like to shine as a leader accept liability for making things happen.

Tips to Improve Your Leadership Quality

Leadership is a procedure through which a person can persuade others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in an n affective way. Leaders carry out this process by applying their leadership attributes such beliefs, character, knowledge, values, and ethics. Here are some tips to improve your leadership quality:

Know yourself: In order to know yourself, you have to understand your attributes. Seeking self improvement means continually strengthening your attributes .This can be accomplished through self study, formal classes, reflection, and interacting with others.

Be technically proficient : As a leader, you must know your job and have a solid familiarity with your employee’s task.

Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions: search for ways to guide your organization to new heights .And when things go wrong, they always do sooner or latter – do not blame others. Analyze the situation, take corrective action, and move on the next challenge.

Make sound and timely decisions: Use good problem solving, decision making, and planning tools.

Be a model: Be a good model for your employees. They must not only hear what they are expected to do, but also see.

Know your people and look out for their well-being : know human nature and the importance of sincerely caring for your workers.

Keep your workers informed : Know how to communicate with not only them, but also seniors and other key people.

Develop a sense of responsibility in your workers : Help to develop good character traits that will help your worker to carry out their professional responsibilities.

Ensure that tasks are understood, supervised, and accomplished : communicaton is the key to this responsibility.

Train as a team : Although many leaders call their organization, department, section, etc.a team; they are not really teams, they are just a group of people doing their jobs.

Use the full capabilities capabilities of your organization : By developing a team spirit, you will be able to employ your organization, department, section, its fullest capabilities.
Maintain a positive attitude:

No person will respect a crabby or negative person.If you possess positive attitude certainly you will get the attention of your employess. By being positive, you can live a happy life and you also can acheive exciting opportunities and possibilities.

Learn and improve yourself:

Good leaders will try hard to improve themselves in all possible way. The person who belives he is briliant and expert, has lots of things to learn. Don’t stop learning it is essential to imrove your knowledge . Be amenable to each person’s insights and information from around the world and beyond.

No person will respect a crabby or negative person.If you possess positive attitude certainly you will get the attention of your employess. By being positive, you can live a happy life and you also can acheive exciting opportunities and possibilities.

Learn and improve yourself:

Good leaders will try hard to improve themselves in all possible way. The person who belives he is briliant and expert, has lots of things to learn. Don’t stop learning it is essential to imrove your knowledge . Be amenable to each person’s insights and information from around the world and beyond.

Build up your personal leadership skill

Leadership is a method through which a person influences other people to achieve objectives and leads an organization to build it more unified and consistent. An excellent leader receives the talents needed by an efficient manager, exemplifies the qualities of a good worker, and motivates others to imitate those traits while desiring for more.

· Confront the process. Leaders confront and inquiry commonly established process. Hold pioneering methods and measures early on. Learn from and grow in hard circumstances .

· Encourage a shared idea. Support the ideas of the workers with the vision of the institute. Converse this vision so workers accept it. Terror plans are less useful motivators than thoughts. Catch the thoughts of your staffs and ally it with the vision of the company. These are vital abilities to being an efficient leader.

· Allow others to take action. Provide workforce the technique, guidance and resources to successfully and proficiently carry out their works and solve issues.

· Create the way things want to be completed. Workforces are more suitable to pursue a leader whose deeds represent what his words articulate.

· Promote the heart inside your organization. People perform on what they are fervent about. Motivate your workforces with your personal successful stories.
· Good communication is very much required to become an excellent leader. If he has additional leadership skills but if he lacks good communication skill, he can not become an excellent leader anywhere.
· The most valuable quality of a leader is truthfulness. He should be open with both his workers and the management. Another part of his attributes is honesty. Once a leader compromises his or her honesty, it is lost. That is maybe the reason honesty is measured the most estimable feature. Hence the leaders should keep it above all else.
· An excellent leader should all the time keep inspiring his group members for good work and must keep up healthy atmosphere. He should provide first priority to protection of employees and observe that they are not oppressed by employers.
Improve your leadership skill by means of these strategies and you will get the status you wish for and deserve as an exact leader. All employers are looking for this type of person in their organization. It is the person your firm's competition needs on their group. It is the person the management insistently looks for and woes for the next huge challenges or chances you are going to need to consider.

How t advance your leadership

Though leadership is very simple to explicate, it is not so simple to carry out. An efficient leader is built with the exact deeds and relationship characteristics, and is rated on talents next. They are admired and believed due to their sincerity, positive approach, intelligence, willpower and dedication. Though most leaders are born with good leadership skills, an efficient manager can make their leadership skills to become a better leader with great.

· Recognize your goals and have a plan in your mind how to accomplish them.

· Make a team dedicated to accomplishing the goals.

· Help out every teammate to provide their best efforts.

· Develop your team's confidence with sincerity and make your teammates believe as if they are an essential part of the team.

· Turn out to be a good listener. At all times lend an ear by listening with full concentration.

· Successfully plan with potency in decision to attain your goals.

· Encourage with praise, appreciation and by speaking information.

· Control others with seclusion and reverence. Deal individual problems without getting sensitively or personally involved.

· Employ other people who are capable and can improve your team to attain your goals. An efficient leader gets things done through others.

· Allow your team to become leaders amid the team. Uphold organization but hand over liability further.

· In order to become an efficient leader, begin with yourself and your personal viewpoints on your business.

· Observe its goals and how you can be better to direct it.

· Become skilled and qualified. Attend leadership developing classes or courses.

· Make use of your self observations and the knowledge you have achieved.
· Know yourself, others, and the world. Who are you? What is your goal? How can you influence others? What do you want to achieve? Give proper answer to these questions to create a real idea of yourself and your world.
· Keep up a positive attitude. No doubt you will be admired by others. People are attracted to you if you possess a positive attitude.
· Motivate your teammates to greatness. As a leader, you must enclose yourself with a strong team by supporting others in identifying and developing their skills, gifts, and strengths.
· Be ready to accept and learn from failures and weaknesses. Nobody is perfect in this world. Everyone might have committed one or two mistakes in their lives. A successful leader knows that the easiest way to success is not in avoiding failing, but to learn from their faults.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Top Seven Leadership Mistakes

For the greater part of people Leadership skills are something that hardly ever comes naturally. But if you pursue some necessary regulations and are ready to realize how to work with people you will have things running much more effortlessly in the company immediately. The mistakes that you must avoid are listed below follow these to improve your leadership quality.

Ignoring employees

Your employees are your business and they must be treated in a good manner. Making any slip up to send this message to employees can be an economic and productivity heave for any business. Employees are people with emotions and feelings and must be informed in several ways how significant they are to the organization.

Failing to handle criticism

Just because you are in a headship position does not imply that you unexpectedly become resistant to building the incorrect decisions. At the same time as a leader you must pay attention to positive criticism and make the alteration needed. If an employee thinks to share criticism, the least you can act is take note.

Incapable to assign responsibilities

This is frequently a problem for small industry mangers. We must believe that our employees can carry out the things we have completed for so long. If they are unable to do the work because a specific talent is required, after that give them the coaching needed or appoint somebody that can. A large part of leadership is about ensuring that things going efficiently and smoothly, and that does not imply running from job to job doing everything ourselves.

Realizing everything

Most of the world's famous leaders are people of normal brainpower that do not recognize all there is to make out in their business. They recognize that they can not make out everything and they appoint people that know the whole thing. The success of any industry is in the hands of its employees and the foremost administrators and capitalists of the world all try hard to appoint the best in their business.


Postponing something till tomorrow that must be finished today! Frequently procrastination is an outcome of having no preparation or record of priorities. Have a look at goal setting and time management for additional thoughts on how to conquer procrastination.

Lack of focus

Certainly there will be things arise during the day that needs instant action which will divert us from our duty; however we must have a set of priorities to pursue. Performing a little bit of the whole thing gets nothing completed, causing strain and thoughts of being besieged.

Scared to change

The capacity to change in industry is necessary. Changes in expertise, the manner we handle people, the manner we do the business, and in all other part of operating and managing the business. Sticking to old conduct of doing things just because they have all the time been performed that manner is a certain way to go down business. If any feature of the industry can be enhanced then there must be change, even though this means neglecting a poor performing employee or product series that is no longer beneficial.