Office is the place where you spend half of the day with your co workers. Whether younger to you or elder every colleague will be your close friends. But, you need to follow some Office Etiquette. Once in a while, it is essential to revert to basic career guidance and to send reminder of each day forgotten systems of office manners.
Always it is a fault to forget where you are, when you are at work. Certainly, there is occasion for enjoyment but by the same token, it is good to make a mistake on the part of care and be cautious with the words and deeds you apply to state yourself.
This is an art and is forgotten by everyone now days. But people forget to follow these manners, even they forget to make an eye contact or say to hello when they see their colleagues. Keep your troubles and worries aside and concentrate on the people now and again. It is not tough to accomplish and rewards far outstrip the necessary attempt.
Therefore, here are some tips to present yourself at job and task a professional look:
1 Wish every one saying good morning when you see them first time.
2 Be polite, friendly and helpful to all.
3 Dress neatly for a professional look.
4 Before enter in to your superior's or co worker's cabin asks permission to enter in it.
5 Maintain control over your emotions.
6 Respect your superiors and your co-workers.
7 Give appreciation for good works and encourage your colleagues.
8 Admit your mistakes and take responsibility for your mistakes.
9 Have a sense of humor.
11 Ask for help for anger problems
12 Accept your mistakes
!3 Take responsibility and carry out it successfully
14 Be generous, ask is help is required
15 Admit your mistakes and ask apology for your fault.
1 Never insults your colleagues.
2 Avoid speaking harshly.
3 Don't gossip about your co-workers.
4 Don't carry your family problems to office.
5 Do not romance your co-workers.
6 Do not use alcohol or smoke at your work place.
7 Never become a complainer.
8 Leave your work troubles at office.
9 Don’t wear fascinating dresses.
11. Avoid selling things to your co workers.
12. Do not blame someone else if it is your fault
13. Never be petty or small minded in your manners
14. Do not sneeze or cough in front of your colleagues. If possible try to use tissue and say ‘Excuse me’.
15. Do not give comments about a colleague’s costume or look
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