Once you have prepared the speech, next step is practice so practice well in order to ensure that it is a smooth delivery. Why do you want to do practice or rehearsal? Because only practice can make you perfect in your presentation. Through practice you can exactly calculate the timing of your speech, ensuring that it fits within the time period you have been fixed. Only in practice you can experience the energy of your speech prior to the real event. Follow the below given tips to practice your speech successfully.
Imitate as strongly as possible the setting of your future speech. Never sit at your table or computer screen and read your speech .Rather than, stand up. Move around before your imaginary spectators.
If possible rehearse your speech in the real room where you will conduct your speech. Ask some friends to come and sit in the chairs and present it before them. If you perform your speech before some friends, instead of by yourself, you can enhance your confidence in presenting it before the spectators or strangers afterward.
If you are planning to use audio-visual aids and props in your real speech, use them in your practice also. This will make you more comfortable with your visual aids when the real time comes to you. Moreover, pre-practicing with your audio-visual aids and props makes you to work out whichever technical problems that may occur.
Try to wear the same dress in your practice that you plan to wear during your real performance. This manner, you can make out if any of your clothes restrain your motion or adds any difficulty to your performance.
Rehearse your speech with the help of various gestures and voice modulation. Make out which one looks more natural and which one feels uncomfortable. After you have recognized the ones you plan to use in your presentation, rehearse them until they are faultless.
Bear in mind, the more time you spend in rehearsal, the better your presentation will be. Keep on practicing until you feel satisfaction. Practice makes you to give an effective speech and moreover you feel confident and enthusiastic.
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