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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Writing skill-How you can achieve it

Lots of people are frightened by writing. Nevertheless, there are times when writing is treated as a best means for communicate, and the single mode to get your message across.

While writing, one thing should be kept in mind that once something is wrote down, it cannot be taken back. Writing in this way is more solid than oral communications, with less scope for mistake and even less scope for faults. Here the written communications are presented with new confronts, accompanied by punctuation, grammar, spelling, even writing method and genuine wording.

Fortunately, nowadays technology compose letter, epistle, memo and application writing much easier by giving consistent tools that verify and even correct misspelled terms and wrong grammar usages.

Some of the helpful tips to help out you with your writing skill

  • Don’t use slang words in your writing
  • Avoid using abbreviations
  • Steer away from the use of signs
  • Aphorism must be avoided, otherwise use with care
  • Brackets are used to minimize words or idioms
  • Dashes are commonly used for stress
  • More care must be given to spell the people’s and company’s names properly
  • Numerals must be denoted as words if the numeral is less than ten or is used to begin a sentence for example: five years ago, I and I my brother…. The numeral is 10 or greater than 10, it must be denoted in figure, for example: I had 12 Matchbox cars.
  • Quote symbols must be placed around any directly quoted dialogue or wording and around titles of book.
  • Keep all the sentences brief and precise.
  • Try to practice writing in different ways, write letters, write e-mails to your friends. This is the best way to improve your writing skill.
  • Show your output to others and get feed back from others. Feedback will help you to improve your writing skill.
  • Become acquainted with present issues in the world and provide your own views on the issues. Visualize arguments you would apply to convince somebody about your views. Conducting speech and seminars will help you think through issues and speak those issues to others.
  • Make your writing well developed and well prepared, using accurate, specific and simple language.
  • Try to read and write often. Reading books will help you to improve your writing skill.
  • Keep in mind that each person can develop writing skills. You may think others are more brilliant, but you know more than you think. Self-confidence and talent will enhance with writing you do.

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